Yazoo Veterans’ Day Parade

2015 Vet Parade posterW Yazoo Salutes The Troops – Find us on Facebook!
November 7, 2015

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
in Historic Downtown Yazoo City!

Yazoo County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Veterans’ Day Parade on Saturday, November 7, 2015.

We would like to encourage individuals, businesses and organizations to enter a decorated float in the parade for veterans to ride. All floats need to have handrails installed and be ready for the parade by 10:45 a.m. that day. First, second and third place awards will be given for float decorations. Please register with the Chamber if you are entering a float in the parade.


We would like to encourage homeowners and businesses to decorate their homes and businesses for the parade event. First, second and third place awards will be given for structure decorations. Decorations need to be on the structures by 8 a.m. the morning of the parade (November 8).

We would like to encourage all veterans, especially those in Yazoo County, to come and enjoy the day with us! It will be our honor and privilege to have our veterans in town for the day!

Hosted by Yazoo County Chamber of Commerce

Yazoo County Chamber of Commerce logo whbg



The Yazoo Veterans’ Day Parade is sponsored in part by  the Yazoo County Convention & Visitors Bureau
